Hi, here my approaches. Since you mentioned it is targeted to players, coaches and related people to lacrosse, when you are in a specific market is no good to be too obvious with a complete lacrosse image because there will be a lot of similar images around you. How are they gonna remember and recognize? That style works when you are surrounded by a lot of different industries and markets as a news paper advertising when you can be neightbour with car, clothes food, etc. So in this specific case is preferrable to look different so the bell will be a great sign to be remindable. Also I like the similar shape of the bell with the Lax stick. Other option with the circular boxing bell, as a real fight is gonna begin. Details of trace or shaded-gradient version may done too for screen-digital purposes but for print, shirt stamp, etc is better a simple shape with solid fills. Sorry about this long text but for me this is not just to send a nice draw and cross my fingers, I would rather to get involved with each project instead. Any comment or feedback will be appreciated and useful to meet the best results. cheers, Adrian
I put your images 8,9,10 in the non-interesting group because they didn't hit the x-mas feature. I do however like #11. I just didn't want you to get upset. I thought I should give you some explanation.
I have removed your design as I have asked for changes but have not seen them. If you could please add a santa or an elf and remove the word lacrosse and re-submit that would be helpful.