Quite creative. Would like to accentuate neurological development, brain, brain therapy, innovative treatment, fun, but professional. You're the first to see MIND....kudos!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi there and thank you for the feedback! I will work on the changes right away. Please excuse entry #9 as I had not yet read the commentary. Thx for the kudos!! al
My associates and I really like entry #11...some comments included...love the puzzle piece in relation to National Autism logs...wish it had 2 pieces trying to "fit" together...wish the puzzle piece was black...don't like the cursive "for", it may look better matching other font.
Overall, as the ultimate decision maker, tweeking a few things might move you to #1. Thanks for being so active in the contest!!!!!!
Hey there. I am still developing some concepts for using puzzle pieces to create a head or brain figure. It is a really great idea and hope I can follow through with something presentable. Thank you for all the great enthusiasm and art direction!!!
the super fans like the font of entry #1 and 2 the best, however love the idea of the puzzle pieces. Would like to see puzzle pieces (of various colors...like Joyblue) form a head...with and/or without the MIND acronym. Keep 'em coming, as we are reviewing them every hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
loving #28...could you show me something similar in the shape of a brain...could also be monochrome...like WIKI logo. Where do you come up with this stuff??????? the possibilities are endless.
:) yes and yes. Its a mixture of three things, being in the "know", being apart of the "now". and drawing a lot.
Also! I do share the feeling that possibilities are endless, however as people by nature we move as a group or in other words everything you see is or has been inspired by something preexisting or has mutated to that point. I'm not saying there is no such thing as an original idea, its just that taking into consideration how many people there are in the world or in existence... ideas, concepts, inventions are developed in a lot of ways like a tree will grow, very gradually.
I am loving #35!!!!!!!!!!! Can you make a recognizable side pic of a brain out of grey puzzle pieces with the 4 colored ones in the middle...just to compare ideas?????
I agree, everything is an extrapolation of something else. In my field (neurology), we stand on the shoulders of other great minds and researchers work and evolve the information into something unique with the flavor of the original. It is quite invigorating to actually understand the "what and how" they were thinking when developing their theories, hypothesis', and formulas.
Keep up the great work....it really is FANTASTIC (BTW, I had a full ride to KU for art...never accepted the offer...went into medicine instead)!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is a really great issue of SciAm [MIND] out right now. The whole issue is about all kinds of art that communicates with neural stimuli... illusions etc. My copy is in storage, so I cant reference it directly. Its printed quarterly I think. Scientific America MIND not just Scientific America
#60 - like it a lot. can you make each color look like a crayon scribble with the M..I..N..D showing through in white? Just a thought/possible variation. Thanks. Lots of great ideas...my team is excited about the possibilities.
Alex- Thank you for doing such a wonderful job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are quite pleased with the end product. If it would not be an inconvenience, could you send a reverse (black background) copy as well. Thank you in advanced, and I look forward to another logo contest next month for our other business.
Alex- Thank you for doing such a wonderful job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are quite pleased with the end product. If it would not be an inconvenience, could you send a reverse (black background) copy as well. Thank you in advanced, and I look forward to another logo contest next month for our other business.