What We Do
A medical device, similar to a pacemaker, that is implanted in the body and treats tinnitus and stroke.
Color Preferences
Blue CMYK 100,83,12,2 or RGB 24,72,142 or HEX #18488E
either all blue in that specific color, or it can be black (generic) and blue
Please do not use any other colors of blue - other than what I have specified above.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I would like all submissions to have the word "MicroTransponder" all on the same line. (instead of Micro on top and Transponder on bottom). I do think I would like the word "micro" to be in a different font than transponder, but in certain designs, that is not necessary.
The graphic can be to the left of the word "MicroTransponder"
The symbol could be related to the brain, or neurons.
It would be cool if there was some small interplay between letters - like the Amazon logo.
Needs to work with our other 2 logos of the products we have - Serenity System and Vivistim System.
Here is some additional information on therapies.
The implanted device delivers electricity to a nerve in the neck which then sends a signal up to the brain to release neurotransmitters and helps rewire the brain when paired with rehabilitative therapy.