Wonderful, no problem! Also I forgot to ask, could you try to incorporate my website somehow: www.mshanahanphoto.com? It may be too much but curious to see how it looks.
Ah OK, no problem. I didn't realize there were limitations. I love how you moved the logo to the left next to the name on #35. I really like that look so far! I think I like the format in #9 and #8 the best so far. I think the format in the others are not as appealing (my fault, I asked you to change it up).
Would you be able to:
- Take 8 & 9 and move the logo to the left like # 35. Also keep the letter M as is and attach the S on the end of the M? Kind of like #25, but don't curve the M, keep the same shape as 8 & 9 and just move the S around (not sure if that's even possible).
- Also make the font on the name a little larger so it matches the logo? I'd like the logo a tad bigger than the font, but the font a little bit bigger.
- Change the color font on Photography so it's different from Melissa Shanahan?
- Try to make the M & S more even in size? It may look funny but curious to see.
I think the logo on 100 is working better than 98 & 99, it;s more sheik & contemporary which I like. On 100, can we reverse it so its black background with white lettering and also add my website www.mshanahanphoto.com to it?