Hi Miyabi. Thanks for taking the time to submit your ideas! I like your thinking by incorporating my initials however I'd like the design more recognizable. I see the S right away however I had to look back a few times see the M. Any way to play around with it to make it more legible?
Update: Can you also please try to incorporate my website www.mshanahanphoto.com. I'd like to see what it would look like with and without it. Thanks again :D
I like the lettering design on #114 the best. I think the M & S mesh very well together and it's very easy to decipher. It seems to be missing something though. I'm not quite sure but I like the direction you're going. Maybe make the MS a little smaller and the words Melissa Shanahan Photography larger. Also stretch out the word photography so it expands the same length as my name? Try to add the website and maybe incorporate the color red somehow?
Thank you for making changes and working with me. I appreciate it!
next design, I have issued about this design with #90 design. and this logo was in logo court until I withdraw, I submit again with your request and need to know your opinion, it is similar? thank you
Oooh I like the separation of the initials and name on 126. The line between really adds to it!!!
On that one, could you make the word photography a size smaller than my name and make the website one size larger? Also can you make it bold, it looks good but I think the bold could make it pop more??