Hello. I like the style of entry #4 with the line separating my name from photography. I do feel it's missing something though and a little more could be added to the logo to make it stand out more.
Maybe instead of a dot over the letter I, a design of some sort could be added? Or leave #4 as is and add some sort of small design to it?
Update: Can you also please try to incorporate my website www.mshanahanphoto.com. I'd like to see what it would look like with and without it. Thanks again :D
Thank you. I really like that photo as well. I'm LOVING #89 & 90. I like how you added the lines to add sort of a banner effect. I was hoping someone would do that! Can I please see 90 reversed, white background with black writing?
The blue is pretty, nice touch and I also like on #89 how you faded the middle!!!!! Could I see #89 the exact way you have it but in a darker burgundy red and a darker purple?
Thanks again, really appreciate your efforts!!!!!!
PS. on #90, can we try to incorporate the color red like you did on #6? Maybe change the color of MS and photography to that? I'm not sure if that'd be too much but I'd like to get some red in there somehow if it looks OK. Would you mind playing around with that to see where red fits in the logo?
102 - is nice & clean like 90. Now I'm not sure which one I like better, lol.
105 - i think that color is too dark so probably should just keep the red in #6 because that really stands out nicely compared to the burgundy
103 - not 100% crazy about burgundy as the background, i like the other colors better (black & white)
104 - this is very nice & elegant.. normally I like purple as just an accent color, not as a whole, but this is working!
If you're up for playing around a little more, could we:
- Take 90 and change the color to red like you have in 60 - Also keep the same set up in 90 but maybe make the background a dark to medium grey with a gradient how you have in 89 (where the middle is lighter and fades out), using black, white & red (in 60) as the fonts for the wording? It's hard to tell on my end what may look good, whether the red would be good for Melissa Shanahan,, black for photography and the MS as white? Would you mind playing with that and sending me what you feel looks good?
The new ones look nice but I think I like the spacing in #90 (& 102) the best still. I like how it fills the box nice & evenly. Can we take #90 and 102 & change Melissa Shanahan to the same red in #6?
hi melissa thanks again for comment here my new idea #154 - with background and tweaking the "M" more clean and refined #155 - icon closely how it look without wording #156 - wording closely
#157 based your comment above text shade in red like #6 with new M