new logo concept. I appreciate any feedback you provide. No feelings can be hurt on this end, so let me have it. We'll come to the result you want expediently.
#14 is my new favorite. I like the new graphic. There is still something about the font that I don't like, but I'm not sure. Can we try something a little different? The font's I use everyday are Garamond, Tahoma, Trebuchet, & Verdana, but I want something a little more interesting than those. I also like the 3-D effect of #17. The colors in #14 are great.
I'll get right on it! I can't thank you enough for your feedback. I love the interactive process involved to come to the proper result. In each of these I've been using a different font for each word. Would you like to see a uniform font for both words? I'll make it a point to use the colors of #14 going forward. I would use the 3D effect on the new graphic you like but I'm afraid it would look muddled. 3D is great for simple objects. Thanks!
Here is a font that breaks away from the ones you currently use, while still looking professional. It is most like Garamond, but a little more refined. You are looking at it in BOLD. I'll submit a version without the BOLD emphasis.
I chose to maintain the fluid lines of the original design while incorporating more pieces to demonstrate their ability to work together. In the event you elect to go with one of my designs, I would be happy to provide a few of my other submissions so you have a few options for various applications.
This is another 3D option for your consideration. I made use of a leaf in the design as many companies currently seek to demonstrate a "green" mindset. I haven't seen it in any other submissions for this contest, so here you go!