The following entry are based on loose and random pieces coming together to form a concreted idea..which is represented by the rounded rectangle also indicative of Broadcast medium (Television).Also the symbol can be positioned in variety of places like above the "I" .
The following set is an extension of previous concept with the focus on pixels coming together to form a beautiful image leaving out television from the symbol
I noticed that there are has been a lot of focus on pixel media but the group has been ingnored from the logo..the present set is a representation on that.
this is another extension of the same concept...And again as u mentioned in the comments sections..All the concepts have been a building block element to them..which represents smalll bits coming together as a cohesive unit to form the composiite logo..whihc can be animated really well. Also all my concept I have focused on the end product being a cohesive Unit formed from abstract bits to form a well presented idea..Thank you again for considering my design.
Can i get some feedback on the direction You would like me to continue in .I have a variety of ideas in Mind..But seeing your shortlist Am a bit Unsure of the Final product you desire.Some Feedback on any of the entries would be greatly appreciated.