Lovely and simple in #8 pixelgeomtery, thanks for that!
The icon and fonts are so simple that they're easily rearranged using different colours and shapes but would still communicate the brand.
A few of my colleagues felt that there might be slight improvements possible on the text and alignments - but otherwise this is definitely one of our favorites!
#7 wouldn't really work as it couldn't be delivered white out of black - perhaps best to keep spot colours and black out of direct contact with each other?
We're a little bit concerned about overdoing it - so we had a couple of notes:
In the polished one we really like the crescent effect in the speech bubbles, and we like the reduction in ringbinder hoops from 6 to 5 with the slight increase in size, and we like the change in proportions of 'media pocketbook'
We think the bookmark ribbon is slightly too much (we think just drop it), and we think the white highlight in the top 50% of 'media' is probably a bit too much too (but we like the overall vertical gradient)
We're also not sure about the shadow - it works in full colour, but would not work in WOB - we haven't decided whether it would be usefull in the full colour version, so maybe just leave it there for the time being?