I'll try to help you along. Media IQ is primarily a control system integrator. We take complex systems and seamlessly integrate them together so the end result is an easy system to operate,,,Hence: "Intelligence at your fingertips". I would like to try and convey that within the logo design, A complex design, but simple as well.
Ok now i know what you do, but if you could tell me your likes and dislikes about my designes (colors, shape, concept) that would be very helpfull to me (and every designer that reads your coments on this page) in creating next one. I;ll try to make something complex becoming simple and easy. Thank you for you feedback.
I like the design for MSBWARE and DesignNog,,,something that's not too refined but not off the wall either. I like the blue pallette of colors,,,blues,silvers,grays,etc. I'm not opposed to other colors but would like the blue family to be the dominent color. Three dimensional, shadows, etc. I'm not opposed to either. Hope this helps a bit more.
I like #22,,I would like to incorporate the " Systems Integration" into the logo because that is part of the legal name. I'd love to see some variations of this. The tag line isn't quite as important so don't feel you need to use it within your designs.
I like #26,,I would like to see this without the orb in the Q,,To me it looks like a bowl of soup,,,,no disrespect,,,I like the openness and the shadow lines of the Q. I do like the gradient and highlight on the inner surface of the Q. I would also like to see the Q in the font rotated to match the Q in the graphic. Is it also possible to use a few different gradient types for the silver parts of the text. I'm afraid it may get lost on a white background,,,great job so far
I think the Q graphic in #26 is spot on minus the orb in the center. I like the orientation of it. What I was looking to see is if you could rotate the "Q" in the text Media IQ to match the graphic. Sorry I should have explained myself a bit better
#30,,,I think I like the Q Sraight,,,,,The " media IQ " text that is. Can you open the shadow so it resembles the "Q" instead of a more solid looking shadow?. As far as the power button,,,the symbol is an industry standard. I credit Orbis for using it in his initial design, but I am paying for a logo design that represents myself and my company. I understand Orbis's complaint as I deal with these types of issues as well. I hope this doesn't discourage him or others from submitting their ideas, I still have 13 days to decide so keep the ideas coming.
I like the new font style for the " media " portion of the text. IS there a way to slightly darken the '" IQ systems integration " text a bit to make it more pronounced? I'm really torn between #51 and #41 though. #41 would be used for horizontal items,eg: letterheads,checks,invoices. However; #51 would be used for vertical items,shirts, ads,mugs. I would need to see #41 with the same adjustments as #51.
Ok i'll post it ASAP. I think it would be ok for any designer that is chosen as a winer to give you both versions the vertical and horizontal for multiply use so dont worry you'll have it both.
Mare, I think I lke my top 4 choices the best so far,,,If you could just change the " Media " text in # 41, #42, #46 to match #51, and could you also scale #45 to match #46,,this would give me a better comparison. I think the " systems integration" portion is ok for now,,,I think the adjustment made in #56 is a bit to dark and it takes away from the "Q" graphic.
Mare, could you make #59 in the lighter blue eg: #50? I like the font change. Also is it possible to make the " I " portion of the logo to appear as if it is resting on top of the " O "? maybe a highlight between them so it appears as 2 letters, but together creates the " Q ".
To make the " I " portion of the logo to appear as if it is resting on top of the " O " do you want it to still have the power buton shape like "I" coming thru "O" or "I" going ower the "O" maybe bend a litle to have more relaxed feel?
I like the look of the graphic as it is now,,,I don't want it to resemble the " Q " in the Text,," power button ". I guess use your best judgement,,,I'd just like to see the graphic just a touch more refined.
Mare, is it possible to add some dimension to the blue highlight layer on the " I " and " Q " graphic? Maybe gel or give it an orb feel? I'd like to see it on # 50,59.60,and 75.