This is my first idea to your project, i really want to do a great job for you, please let me know your opinions and comments, thanks and good luck !!!
#2 Hi Novaera, It would be interesting to keep the child idea but not on a moon fishing; i like the idea of a pure enthusiastic child mind. Let me know if you have any question, Alain
Hi, Do you like the child fishing idea ?? or you want just an enthusiastic child without the fishing idea, im waiting for your answer, thanks and good luck !!!
Hi Novaera, Great work!! I'm sorry to come back to you so late, i didn t see all your messages before.
i like it but i would like you to change the colours: can you do blue sky to midnight blue, like a degrade...Also, can you design 1 kid looking in the sky, dreaming, with clouds around for example... or 2 kids playing together....
i love it, could you do another deisgn for the child, looing up in the sky instead...
I still love the 10, please try to do something else with it by changing the child.
This option with the colors that you want, i like it too, hope you like it, if you have comments or suggestions please let me know, i will design the others options and your other suggestions, thanks and good luck !!!
This option with the colors that you want, i think look great too, if you have new comments or suggestions, please let me know, i will design new options and your last suggestions, thanks and good luck !!!
48 i like it but can you make the design of the 2 boys less obvious, more like a silhouette. I would prefer people to have to guess they are two boys. am i clear? 10 i really liked your first idea; could you try a couple of other ideas on the basis of number 10? 47 i like it also but the little boy and the ballon are also too obvious; could you do instead the face of a boy looking in the sky, clouds...
This is a new idea with the letters a and m inside the symbol. The symbol shows the interaction between the people and your project, hope you like it, thanks and good luck !!!
Hi Novaera, what i want is number 10 with the child throwing the plane designed in the same style of dreamworks logo but a bit more abstract without being too corporate. we have to keep the emotion at a high level. Muchas gracias! Alain
63 can you make it closer to the 10? i mean can you use a letter of arley or media and play with it like you played with the d in 10? are you on skype? alain
Hi Novaera, It would be great if you could just take the base of number 10 (arley media on the same line) and decide on one letter to play with the child and the plane. But I really like number 10 so try to stay with it. Maybe you need to design a new child in order to make it work? Muchas gracias! Alain
I think this option look very good with a new child and form, hope you like it, if you have comments , please let me know, thanks and good luck my friend !!!