#13 is my favorate so far, but can we try a couple of things? a. can you change the font and style of medevice, its cool looking but not easly read. b. could we perhaps use the line in the middle of the globe as the M and then adding edevice in small caps right next to it?
#6 is also a favorate, but could you also try: a. can you change the font and style of medevice, its cool looking but not easly read. b. take the glod from #13 and placing between the wings of #6 and adding Medevice next to it, and or keeping the M from the globe and adding edevice right next to it.
ill get back to you about the others when the rest of the team sends me feedback.
#26 is great, but can we try a couple of things? A. leaving the logo alone, but adding an (M) to (edevice) and putting it in the center right under the logo. so logo then under it Medevice
B. please take the grey or sliver lines from around the globe out, changing the clolor of the white line (M) to another color connecting it to (edevice). i would like to see what that look like. so the M and edevice are the same color (black or dark) and connected.
#21. is very nice but is there a way to change the style of (edevice) where it is not so bold, and connect the (e) to the (M) so it looks connected all as one word.
#6 i like the logo to me it looks like an eye, but i really like the globe used in #21 and #26. can you change the globes leaving the wings in #6 the same. also changing the style of writing but keeping the entire word as (medevice)
hey angelina, the globe in #60 looks light when printed in black and white. can we try to outline the globe with a very thin line, not very bold but more like a very light Grey line.