This is a pretty simple project. We need our current logo replicated with a couple minor and sub text. We would normally have used our old designer, but they are no longer in the business. Attached you will see our current logo on our sign that reads "McKee Asset Management" with the sub text that reads "Residential - Commercial - Investment." We want the exact logo design replicated (same colors, drop shadow over text, and triangular icon), but please change wording to "McKee Property Management" and the sub text to "RENT - MANAGE - INVEST." You can play around with how to display "RENT - MANAGE - INVEST" but I want it under the McKee Property Management, as it is now. I like it this idea on ways to display the sub text: "RENT | MANAGE | INVEST"
Here is a link to our new website which we are launching: - the old logo is being used as a place-holder, but we will be replacing with our new logo. Please design it with no color background so we can drop it over any color we desire. We will be using this logo on our website, in print media advertising, on all of our real estate signs, logo apparel, as well as possibly television.