What We Do
Brand new industrial business park that will be home for distribution, manufacturing, and logistics. Brand new park so everything is up to date, it's sleek, and large.
Color Preferences
Hex colors below are the color scheme we are going for in our brochure.
1. #2c55a5
2. #46b8ea
3. #48484a
4. #dbdbdb
5. #ee914b
Our Ideas & Additional Information
The logo will have to have "McCarty Park" somewhere in there. This development is in San Marcos, TX. It's right in the middle of Austin and San Antonio, TX. Not too long because this logo will go on signs and other marketing materials and we want to make sure it fits. Looking for something not too simple, but captivating. maybe something that represents being the middle. trucks will be coming in and out of the park.