Entry #42 kinda like the font but do not like the note key, can u sub that for an & sign?
Entry#40 like everything but the way the Ms and Ns are...can u have them start from the bottom and swoop up? or at least have the M start that way? I realize if you change the Ms and Ns it won't wrap around that & sign but maybe the Y from maya could do that? or the N swoops around still but with a cricle going from the right of the & sign, above, then below and then start the N first line going up? Does this make sense?
haha hope so cuz it's a cool idea having the names intertwine like that.
Submissions #69, #70, & #71 is a variation of #40 with the suggestions you gave me. I hope I translated your words correctly. I opted not to do the N swooping around the "&" symbol because intertwined with the Y, it started to look like a butt. LOL!!!
I'm glad you ladies like the names intertwining. I really thought it symbolized the close relationship the two of you have as twin sisters nicely.
Let me know if there is anything else you want to see. Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate it.