Good question regarding which word to highlight. Both are important, and I do like how you designed it where they both seem highlighted. I would like to see more ideas with color and maybe a couple with the name as the website If you check out my last general comment, I want to use the mark or emblem by itself sometimes. Hope this helps. Keep up the good work.
Mare, thanks for the updates. I like the lettering in #17. I like how you did the .com in #23. I like the emblem style in #19. Can you make the blocks in #19 angle up from left to right instead of right to left. Also, I would like to see what it would look like with all the elements above discribed and with additional colours. Cheers and thanks for constant feed back.
I like #25 and #26. The only thing is the blocks need to be in ascending order. You changed the top of each block to reflect growth, but then switched them around. Can you reproduce 25 and 26 just change the blocks around to reflect smalleston the left and largest on the right. Sorry this has been so hard for me to convey. You are doing great. It is looking better :)
Mare, on #80 and #81 can you please use capital letters ONLY on the M and the P (MaximizedProfit). I really like your design. I am still trying to decide if I want to use the .com also. The design of both is great! Thank you