Fantastic! Can you give the lion's hair a little wave (to look like flames?)... Also I don't love the look of the baseballs - any other baseballs you can insert - something that looks more like a real baseball and not a picture of a baseball? Maybe if we take off the outline.
Also, can you take off the orange strips in the train and make them red and blue only? I'm not a big fan of any of the orange...
I'm so glad a pestered you to submit a logo... I love #30. My son has wild/crazy hair... Can you make the lion's hair look more like flames - right now it looks like soft waves... Can we do a little more extreme with the hair/flames?
Just huddled with my co-workers - another request... They don't like the train - can you use a different looking train? Or can the head of the train be the lion's head and the body be the rest train itself?
Sorry, 1 last thing... Can you play around with the shape of the wording for "THE MOO TRAIN" - I really like the lettering in the logo I currently have ranked #2 by the designer "heru". Thanks! Mike
If you give me to choose between my designs, I would prefer the design #34 to #44, I think there is much more compact and integrated. I think that #34 is better :)
I'll try, but it is more complicated, because the train that is behind it, would be offset with the letters. If the lion get bigger, the train almost will not see. In a few minutes I'll post changes so you can see. :)
Getting close... On image #46 can you make the words more red in color and can you put the image to the left a little more (and keep the writing in the same place)... You rock!
Do you have an e-mail address? I wanted to ask you if you could find a different image for the train in image #70... Do you have access to the other logos submitted for my contest? Thanks, Mike
Hello again... How does the new image #91 differ from the current image ranked #1? My son voted on all the logos last night and you were the big winner! Can you do 1 last logo with more red (like flames) in the lion's hair? I also would love to see the hair be a little more wild and crazy...