#225 is great! Layers of the earth. We like it. Can we see the gold on top and the blue below in the bug. Also, can we see the font changed so that Material and Testing both in bold and service not and use a font similar to #219? Also, can we see this in b/w adn greyscale?
#228 I meant the layers in the bug should have the blue on top.. Also, I would like to see Material and testing in bold and service unbold. I like the b/w and grey
#243 is great! Lastly, we are asking both you and the #2 girl to come up with creative ways to incorporate the letters "MST" somehow in the bug. I am not too sure that this can be done without messing up the entire logo, but we would like to try. Thanks!
#327 is a great concept.. lets build on this! We test layers of soil, concrete, asphalt, etc.. lets add some layers being pulled up and away (variations to the blue, gold, grey, brownish colors) to the top and have the MST be in the lower stratus as you have it..
#351 is the best. We like it the best. can we see the pullback from 348 (where you can see the bottom) on this logo and the pullback from 351 (where u cant see the bottom) on #348? thansk!
#351 and #348 are hard to decide between. Either way, you are our choice. Can we see #351 with more definition between the layers? It looks like the two bottom colors blend too much. Maybe 3 layers that contrast more (keeping with 2 of the colors being navy blue and gold)?
#421 is our winner. We would like to see it in pure two color with the navy blue and the gold in the middle thats in #348 (bottom layer) so that we can have a purely 2 color logo with the bug nad words in the same 2 clolors. Lastly, can we see gold with the blue in the middle.
Is this all stuff that is done after we choose the winner or now?