#1Text should be Masters Swimming then 37th National Championship. Map of SA is a good idea but it is not all that clear. May need a different colour. Would like a more swimming image rather than the circles across the map.
#27 Just not sure about the font colour. THe number is in colour and the rest black. maybe the th should be in red and the rest maybe in blue. Would like to see that.
Logo #43. I should have been asking for Championship to have an "s" on the end. This applies to all designs submitted. The spacing for "National Championships" is quite different to that of "Adelaide 2012" and I would like to see the spacing consistent. I would like to see "Adelaide 2012" centred rather than left aligned as it is on #43 at the moment. Yellow exists in only one place - not sure how it could be introduced elsewhere but if it coulds then a better balance of colour might be achieved. Not easy as yellow is not the best colour on a white background!
Latest designs. WE are liking the simplicity and colour combinations. What concerns us is the size of the 37th. 37th is actually the least important part of the message =- and yet it is the first thing that hits you and then relates to the second quite small line of National Championships. A possible solution would be to put 37th National Championships in erd as the first line of the text. All in red. Then in blue have Masters Swimming as second line and Adelaide 2012 as the bottom line. Apply to #54