Dear CH, I have posted the updated changes for #10 but for another request change for #12, I cannot do that since another designer used that concept already.. I will try to find another ideas..
#23 Can you make the word MIST into the same font as the words in the outside circle. Also, I realize it is supposed to appear with shadows for effect but can you make the outside circle round since it has a bit of a warped look. thanks
Dear CH, thanks for the feedback. I have posted the changes.. You know that the word MIST have used the same font style with the text around the globe... Thanks, Artoz
I downloaded the 4 files but I cannot open the 1st one...type of file eps. I can open the rest of them with the different sizes. can you resend the 1st one?
Dear CH, thanks for telling me the. I just re-upload the final files... A question, what program do you use to open the EPS? If you still found this issues, it's better if you contact me at And, please make sure to approve the files when you feel happy about them.