23 and 24 great logos! If I was doing only residential construction I would be more interested in them. What I like about all of your designs here is that your lettermarks can be separated and stand alone. That is useful to me. The lettermark in #3 is more interesting to me than the ones in 5, 19, 22.
You are throwing it down, bro! That's a lot of ideas! I like that concept with the square like #53. Again, if I was all residential I'd be all over that. #52 is more my style since we roll res/comm. Anyway you could lay down a horizontal version?
By the way, I like your top entry for Velofitting better than the one they picked. I've got a buddy in that business and he and I were in agreement there.
Regarding #69, I like how you are trying to pull the residential/commercial together. I'm not sure it will work for me since I try not to publicize to the comm customers that I do residential and vice versa. To me the logo needs to communicate that we are a professional company. It does not have to convey any message about buildings. Know what I mean?