We like the use of colors & shadow, and the blending between the name & image. Maybe a white background and make the tag line more readable? The blue check stands out too much (like a big vest). Soften? thanks
27: like the 3D effect, but try with white background. #60: try using the image as the letter M in MasterCoaches. Try one with 3D (like #57), one flat. Only white backgrounds.
We would love it if you took the "M" from #86 and brought it over to #113. Then, treating the "M," MasterCoaches and the tag line as one object, give the whole thing a kind of light sheen or glare. Nothing that will fade it out too much but just give it something subtle like what we see in the "M" in #86 now.
We like 117. We are looking for you to take the effect on the letter M, the shine on the bottom, and extend that effect/shine to the subsequent letters as a whole. The resulting effect will be all the letters have that effect, but the colors don't change (like the "aster" in Master on #86, whereas Coaches in #86 changes color - we don't want that.) Thanks!
I think #118 is what you were trying to do based on my comments. We only wanted you to extend the effect to the MasterCoaches, not the tag line. The effect makes the tag line hard to read. It's hard to tell, but did you carry that effect into MasterCoaches in #118? That's all we need. Thanks
I think I messed up and accidentally ranked the wrong one. I think it was in #114 where you had the M extended and started the tagline under the 'a'? Just take #135, move the M so the tagline begins under the 'a' in MasterCoaches, and make the tagline a shade darker (like the blue in the upper middle of the blue "vest" or check mark in the M, and increase the font a little so it is more readable if used on letterhead. That should do it. Sorry for the confusion! Thank you!
here u r sir.. once again thanks for ur direction.. dont worry about the stationery sir, i will gladly presented to u the best for ur stationery if i could win it thanks
tagline is hard to read. Please make it more clear (take out the "sheen"?). We realize to fit the font it's smaller, but harder to read, so whatever you need to do to maximize readability. thanks!