Please watch carefully at the end of the letter ''V'' inside the letter M there is a 45 degree line going up to the center that must be like in the logo #48 inside the logo both lines going up one south east and one west, am i clear on this i which i can email you a example, you are probably going to win if we do this, thank you!
P.S. try to do the logo #111 the background as the logo in logo tournament it looks like a sun light, thanks!
Hi... Sir Thanks for feadback I've revised this design recommend, In there can't send contact, before project closed. If project has closed, you want any revised i'm ready to do this whit contact mail.
Please at the end of the letter ''V'' inside the letter M there it must be like #48... also try making the bottom line the same size as the letter ''V" not losing symmetry to see how it would look like thank you!
Hello sir thank you for the posting i really appreciate it, i would like to see #139, #140, #141, #142 with out the white oval glowing on the top.... also i would like to see #146 all in black with white background and in white with black background, #144 try the same colors but the letter m with orange , also please see the posted image and try combination colors with does colors, thank you!
Hello, i would like to see in #152 in the background like #154 but the bright light around the center not in the middle like it is.... try it please to see how it looks, thank you!
Hi... Sir Can you give me which number of submitions design to fix of propotion? that is very much submition, I'm sorry, I'm very confused which design will you use? I'm will do immideatly if you have chosen your preferred designs. Thanks
Please look carefully for the the differences in the proportions for #139 (good) and #163 (bad) you will find that #139 is perfect! between the elements and #163 is not so please fix #163 please fix them, thank you!
Hello, this would be your final task, please send me the logos in large version with the following colors: #140, #149, #148, #154, #160, #177, #167, and we are done, thank you!
Hello, Please observe carefully that number #181#140#179#160#179 don't have the little transparent oval in the upper area, i need does please, thank you!