#22 would like to see the blue in a deeper navy blue. one concern, if this goes to print onto table clothes and banners to be used outside, how would this particular gold color look. #23, 25 would like to see the blue in a navy blue and the circle needs something to it.
i am also looking just the words massachusetts maritime academy parents association just spelled out in a design. also the circle logo, looks too thick. please go http://www.maritime.edu/ whatever logo we choose it can't compete with the schools logo and works well with it under the parents site.http://www.maritime-parents.org/
no 40 some of the people in the group liked that one but needed some work to it, primarily the words and would like to get rid of the two islands, can you make that one look different somehow.
also i have one person who doesn't like the state because she said it get's a bit confusing with the anchor to it though i think it's an awesome concept, so she's looking for some other's shaped rectangularly with all the same colors. but i don't like the chunky font as it clashes with the schools print.
Hi, thank you, just spoke to our Admiral about the logo's, they are concerned with the double bars on the state logo's you created, they are concerned it may look like ranking. Though I think they all look great.
can you also create one that is very plain, classy and simple with say MMAPA on the top and the words below it in a box format but large enough to work on letter head and banner.
139 and 138, don't really like the lettering....and if you could design a few without the bar because we may have an issue with military ranking. And if you can continue to make some not shaped like massachusetts. thanks.