Your planet design is my favorite of all...that is pretty incredible, I wish you could make it a bigger element of the logo. However, if you can review my group comments, I am really trying to stay away from UFO's and Martians since that throws off my desire to communicate truth and honesty with my logo. I'd like to incorporate MARS (which you have done) and then a HILL of some sorts. You can tell that some people have used an earth or a big hill to depict that. Can you do something there? Great use of colors and a very proportional/balanced logo which I want to achieve. I'm glad you joined the competition. Thanks!
Bigger planet, nice. Not sure I see the need for so many other houses without a real "purpose" Maybe we can try to keep one house for the dot in the "I" Logo needs to show well on a sign, maybe house is too small? Can we incorporate a hill in the design? Thanks!
I really liked the simplicity of the original logo, the house seems a bit too overpowering though. I'm shooting for something as non-cartooney as possible with my logos. Thanks!
#388 seems to be a good blend of professionalism/simple design and a great image as well. How would this look with a larger planet? Would the "Mars Hill" text be easily readable from a sign? Please send me some changes on that and place on a tan background. Great work on this one!
Thanks, this size is much better. Is it possible to add a shadow effect to give it more 3d look? Congrats on making my top 3, wish you the best and thanks for all the great work!
Dear CH, I'm so sorry for the late respond. I've seen your message so late 'cos of the time zone. I've made all the amends u've asked but u know the contest in judging mode right now and only the number 1st ranked designer may submit new entries. If u still want to see the amends of my work u can put me the number 1st temporarily than i can submit my updates. Please respond about that. Thanks for your passion:)