Thanks for joining in...I'm trying to capture 3 elements in my logo to depict 1. Mars (the planet) 2. a Hill 3. Real estate in visual form. You have 2 of the 3...You're off to a good start!
Thank you for choosing my concept. The red surface signifies 2 things a hill and the planet mars. I will execute another concept where we have the 2 elements seperately.
Entry #212 - is a more plane and printer friendly version of #188 If you like the concept just let me know so that I could move forward by giving it more enhancements. Else I will give you a new concept.
Thank you for considering my concept. Here are my new entries. Entry #233 - has a realistic Earth in it and placed the Icon on the left Entry #234 - has the same concept of #212 but with more realism on the Hill plus added some green life in it. Entry #235 - the same with #234 but with a realistic tree
#299-any way you can add some realism to mars like the other designers did? I'm really liking that look, rather then just a red ball. What about adding water to the earth? Also, now that the text is over the picture it's a little hard to read. I really like it!
I like #299, not sure about liking the "road down the middle" look. The icecaps don't seem too realistic to what people think of when they think of Mars so I'm not really liking that look.
A bit of a concern on #299. If I add some water in the earth it will look like the design of others and they may get angry with me by doing that. But if you insists then its your call. I will revise the planet Mars to make it more realistic. I am planning to add a gradient white behind the MarsHill though to make it more readable.
Are you ok with the Blue houses in #311 and their new location?
I'm really liking it, but the only thing I'm still hung up on is the realism of mars. After getting some feedback, it's hard for people to know that it's Mars unless I tell them. Maybe doing something along the lines of #313 is nice...take out the glares...I'm open to ideas/suggestions (#318 is my favorite Mars look of all).
Let's also take out the gradient...make the text black or something and see if we can get the whole thing to have a small "wrap-around" look around the planet to give it some dimension. Maybe just the first and last letters slightly wrapping around the planet so that everything is still very readable.
You're tied for first essentially, I just need to get these finalized before the tournament ends...thanks for being expedient in your response.
Can you also change the color of the blue home and make it a more earth tone or another color that is more reflective of a home? I'm trying to get my logos to not look so "cartooney." Thanks!
I revised my logo using Zero Gradients on them. Also made some minimalism based designs. I will expect your feedback on this so that I can revise them asap.
I think I prefer the style of the blue house but just wanted a different color. Green feels too dark, grey feels to white! Anything else that is more tan/yellow?