I wanted to express the "negotiation" that you wanted... I didn't want to put literally handshake, so I made a twisted version of the interaction of negotiation. This is also an ancient symbol of progress and movement, it can be related to your business.
I like the creativity of trying to express "negotiation" I know that's very difficult to do and nobody else has seemed to make that effort. I've never seen the symbol before, but I can see how it can relate to two parties interacting and negotiating.
I like #97, can we try different color variations and I'd like to see how it looks like as an emblem (like #100)? What is the symbol called that you're using, I couldn't find it anywhere. Or is it a symbol you just created? Also, it's hard to read the "realty group" can we try some different things there too? Thanks!
I will try some color variations right away. Unfortunatelly I don't know the name of the symbol, but I am sure, that I didn't make it up :) I've studied of it, but no name association comes to mind, sorry. :(
Thanks for the variations, I think I want something with solid color, so I eliminated the others. I'd like to see solid red or orange (w/out the stripe). That stood out pretty well. Also, please check out the contest discussion comment I just added and let me know your thoughts! I also prefer the original symbol over the handshake...thanks for letting me see how that looked like.
Hi, here are the requested colors. I hope you really like them. I agree, that your company name is related to Mars, but as a designer I feel obligated to express my personal opinion. My opinion is, that you are a, as stated in your description "We are a boutique real estate firm", which should automaticly eliminate the idea of using cartoon characters, such as martians. Ofcourse, I don't want to disregard your opinion and requests, so I made some martians :) I hope you like them.
P.S.: I should be honest, and say, that the entries of Magnita look very stylish and "boutique". I know, she is a competitor, but this does not scratch the facts out. I will continue to present to you more and more variations, so we can get to the best logo you want.
Plamen, thanks for your honest feedback. You're right that cartoon characters are a little odd. I appreciate you giving the effort, and I agree that it does look a little funny. Thanks for adding some red/orange color variations and creating some logo "blocks" I will continue to think about this, it does make it stand out more. The martian you made was creative, but I agree with you that it does tend to take away from the real estate idea.
Those circles are often used in cartoons, to represent levitation, anti-gravity boots and etc... an easy way to show, that the subject is floating off the ground. This is my idea here - the martian houses on the martian hill.
I really like the look of the planet for #142....it takes the guesswork out of what it is. Can you maintain that size and have that in the background of maybe a singular home on a hill? Sort of like a sunset look, but instead of the sun, it is the planet Mars. Maybe we can make the house match the same color as the "HILL" text for #142. Thanks.
Yes, that looks great! Can you add a crater or two on the planet? I'd like to see some variations on the planets position also. Can you do one where the planet is just over the horizon and not hidden by the hill? Also "Realty Group" is not too easily readable, anything we can do there? Like maybe give it a red oval background and make the letters white? Look forward to seeing the variations. Thanks!
I think black and bold is cleaner, thanks. Can you create the planet on #97 logo. I think I like the bigger home on #97 and would like to see it on a smaller hill. Try to do it without the second hill and home on it also.
Planet Improvements - Can you keep it a full circle and keep the craters within the boundaries of the circle?
Hi, the planet is a complete circle, no craters out of it. Is the hill small enough now? What color do you prefer for the home - blue or dark grey, or maybe black? I tried different compositions - with the house in the center, then a little bit to the left - I hope you have enough options to choose from. If you have any more questions or requests, I am here to answer and try to make them reaity.
P.S.: How do you prefer the house - with or without the symbol in it?
#165 can I see how it looks with the hill being black and the words "hill" being black too? Also I'd like to see the words "realty group" grey to match the homes.
I do like the house with the symbol.
Can you try different variations on the button look other than the traditional square? I'm trying to make the logo seem more unified since there are so many elements to it.
Greek mythology - Athlas, the Titan, who was banished to support the world on his sholders! I replaced earth with mars, and on the top - on the hill - a house. This way, the house is on Mars /Mars Hill/ and not on earth, since your name is not Earth Hill :)