My English is not too good, so please explain again, I still don't understand about "Please change the color,the image of these words : Enjoy, Advanced, Soft, (Gamer)"
OK. We want to see that #177#279#281 model of various color.(Because we cannot decide a color) So, the color which artomorrow imagine in the following words is used for #177#279#281 model. words : Enjoy, Advanced, Soft, (Gamer)
For example,if you imagine orange"&”black in the word "Enjoy" "Advanced", please use the color for #177#279#281 model.
#300 to #307 is for soft, because green is symbol of young, fragile, soft. I didn't use pink and beige because both color are so feminine , green is more neutral
I have to withdraw the design with rectangle because other designer "Revotype" did not like his idea is being used by me. Although some of his designs used my ideas too. I just don't want to argue with him