Entry #5 I really like the simplicity of this logo, yet it is beautiful! Entry #1 I love the style of the M in this logo, I am a fan, but might like to see a little bit of color, or something behind it. Entry #2 I like, but I feel the M is too large and masculine. Entry #6 I like, I feel like it is still a work in progress, there is something missing! I can't put my finger on it. Maybe a dash of another color? or a silhouette of some form in the background? Entry #4 I'm not a huge fan of this M used in this way, it seems too simple and generic, maybe because of the 2 colors used being so close in the same family. Entry #3 I like the M used this way better, but not a huge fan of the box around it.
Im a big fan of entry #8 ! I like that, its bold and strong, yet pretty! entry #9 is nice, I like the gray, but the M with the feet at the bottom of it, it reminds me of legs... I feel like its going to run across my screen! I'm not sure how you could tweak it up just a bit to make it not look like legs, but make it different from the other M's, but the font and colors are good. Entry #10 I think its pretty, but the M in the background is too much, too fancy, I like the background M on #5 better because it is very pretty, but simplistic, where as this M in #10 is super super fancy!
I like #11 because it reminds me of a seal! like a stamp for something, or a seal on an envelope, not seal the animal of course. I also like the colors! Not big on the swoop out on the outside part of the big M, but I definitely think you could be on to something here! I also envision something shadowy in the background.. this one makes me think of wings, I'm not sure what it would be that would look great behind it, but something maybe!
Still really like #1 #2 #5 & #8 These might be 4 of my faves of all nine thousand logos ive seen ;) something about the M but its not masculine, fun with the color, of the teal .. I think I'd like to experiment a little bit with #6 I'm thinking make the "arlie" "adison" a little bit smaller or thinner or something.. cant put my finger on it! But something...