I really like this #21 ! It seems like maybe the "arlie" "adison" should be a different color? Just to give it a more playful feel, make it stand out a little more? also consider maybe have something in the background to make it seem like a stamp, or like it just popped out of a stamp?
I feel like #30 might potentially work, but the color scheme with the blocky lettering seems to masculine to me. I still like #29 alot, only suggestion is maybe play with the M. Don't want it too fancy but pretty is great, I do like this m also though. Play with other colors and possibly a symbol of some sort very light in the background behind it? Maybe a unique shape? Don't withdraw these! I want to be able to compare if you come up with some more! I still like it!
I like the gold M on #73! Its cute and pretty and just right! Not a huge fan of gray with it? And it seems like something that cute and swirly might need a different font, not a blocky type font. But I likes it! lets keep it so I can compare!