#10 - I really like what you've done with the "8" - it pops, and it's stylized and funky which is one of the aspects we were looking for...as well as the Color story you've established. In regards to feedback, right now the word GENER is at the same "priority" as INTERACTIVE. You've definately established the 8 as primary, but could we make it so that the GENER was secondary and the INTERACTIVE was more tirtiary?
thanks for the feedback agree with what you're saying... it's also got an optical illusion going on with interactive looking lower that gener... all feedback def welcome.. weird when these things happen but can definitely work out for the best if handled right.
Thank you for the second design. The team here is very fond of your design. We did an in-house review of it, and the feedback we got (and this is something I didn't see at first) was that the 8 could be interpreted as an 's'. We do feel that the 8 design is powerful, so is there anyway to just tweak it slightly to ensure it is an 8?
Thanks. We appreciate the notion of giving the back some color depth, but unfortunately the logo will be mainly on a white background (letterheads, envelopes etc). We do however really like the adjustment you made on the 8. Could we see the horizontal design with the new 8? In fact, could we see it as you had it in #10 as a horizontal design, as well as a slightly vertical design (gener8 on top, and interactive underneath). Thanks in advance.
We received a new submission in #91 that has a similar flavor to your design, however with a font style that we're really enjoying. That being said, we really liked the 8 you created. Would you be willing to try modifying the font in your design to reflect a similar aesthetic? We like the "G" from design #65, and the "E"'s and "A" from #91.
Hello. Before we make our final decision, could we see this the final logo in some other color variations including red, orange, and another 1-2 shades of blue?
Hello. We thank you for your entries, and for being so responsive to our requests throughout the process. As I'm sure you are aware, we have selected your design as our winner. If possible, could you forward us BOTH the winning design #94 as well as #201 and #196 (we would like the other colors on file as well if that's possible. Thank you again for your design!