#155 - #166 - beautiful font. just what i am looking for! I feel the heart theme has already been done about as well as it can - would love to see other themes explored. The current #1 is there because of creativity and cleanness of design - not because of the heart.
#198 #199 #201 #202 - very elegant depiction of digital media! Would work well for a pure photography or image processing/printing studio. I am looking for something a little more suggestive of the type of photography I do.
#205 #206 - Icon perhaps a bit too ornate for me. Color scheme not something I am looking for.
#228-#230 - thank you for keeping the font consistent from former designs - it is perfect. These "buttons with m" are quite stylish but depend on graphic elements that will not reproduce well in some of my more challenging applications.
#231 #232 - Very nice! Would prefer a navy blue/lavender color combination on the button. And the button on top feels detached from the text - would like it to be more integrated into a complete design.
#237 #238 #239 - #238 is the best at integrating a complete design. Blue has too much green - prefer Navy blue. Now that the design is integrated into a whole I'm afraid that the button concept is perhaps simply not strong enough to serve as the focal point of the design - something more dynamic and eye catching is needed.