Hi Sculptor, thanks for taking the time to design for my competition. I like the 3d symbol of the bishop in your design #8 however I think I like the text aligned equally like design #7. Also the black background is effective but lacks depth on the bishop symbol. I normally use the white on black original logo most often now. Thanks and love the creativity coming through, Mark
Hi, Really enjoying the progression in the Designs. I have had one comment that the symbol under the bishop could be interpreted somewhat Nazi like. I did not see this at first but now he mentions it I hate that someone could even draw that conclusion. Is it possible to change the Shape to a "M" with similar design and perspective. Thanks
Personally, I wouldn't divide logos in 3D and 2D categories. As I see this there are just different versions of the same theme made for use in different media. Sometimes you just need to have something special for commercials. Big film studios know all that.