I like the logos entry #28 & 29 but I feel that the M with the circle around it is a bit distracting from the name and a bit too larger. I would like something feminine and smaller. My main focus would like to be Mapuana Reed Photography.
Hey, Thank you for your feedback. I submited some new entries (see #39 - #44). See if you like something, and please let me know if you want me to change something. TY!!
I like to simplicity of #43 but not sure if I like the box around it. Maybe something a little more feminine that isn't' too over powering over my name. I like the way my name is written and the font used in #40 #39 #29 #28 and #40. I like that the M and R are a little large than the other letters. I also like that my name is in all capitals.
Hey;) #64, same as #43 but no box, see if you like it better. #68, you said that you like the font and the way your mame is written in #40, #39.., I made as # 43 with the same style as #40, but more feminine (#69 the same but PHOTOGRAPHY is a little bolder).
Hey;) How about a really soft bright color for the M? its really femimie and stay with the same look as the gray version.. (see #127, #128, #129, #130). 127 and 129, 3 colors (black, gray and the soft color for M) 128 and 130, black only with the soft color for M. Thanks;)
What I was trying to do in my previous comment for #127 and # 129, like you wanted: black - luxury gray - sophisticated and the onther soft color for M (sorry, dont know how to call this color) for feminine;)