1. Cartouches have played a large role in maps in history, so this is one way of having a modern cartouche, with a hint of days gone by with the swirl in it. 2. Mark has a "beginning" and "end" with the dots. Speaks to "managing" or "navigating." 2. Mark can stand alone on a cap, mug, maps. 3. A little refinement but not stuffy. 4. Type is also a piece that can stand on its own. 5. Easy to read mark/symbol, even at smaller sizes.
Neat design but I don't think it will work at all for our demographic. It's too "frilly" if you get me meaning. Boaters are more "down-and-dirty" types and equate elegant with either expensive or sissies. [smile]
I've posted some comments on the contest's main page last night and this morning that I think are helping some folks out.
You should check those out.
Thanks for the hard work. Don't give up on us yet. We're not even close to picking a winner yet ... so keep those brain cells churning and those great design concepts coming!