Thank you for the feedback. I'll be doing color variations, and also trying different shape tusks. I am trying to keep these versions simple, to give it that "Hey, I get it" factor to the viewer, which helps to build brand recognition. Again, thank you, and please feel free to request any revisions
Thanks for the quick response! Can you try and the middle of the M a little thinner? Just a little more tusk looking. I like how you are keeping it simple, but I think it might look more like a mammoth. Also, can you try the grey M with the blue text? Maybe even try a sleek looking black for the M. Thanks again!
Thanks for the feedback. I'll get some more designs up in the morning. I also be out from noon (Pacific time) till a bit later in the evening. If you have any other thoughts or suggestion while I'm away, please let me know, and I'll be sure to get to them ASAP for you.
Thanks, I will play with the tusks shape. Hopefully I can get the same effect of the negative space as I currently have. I'll give you some options. I just need to be sure that they don't look like the tusks of "Manny" in the movie "Ice Age". :)
Hello, these have a few different versions of tusk.
I see that you may be leaning toward a less serious, and more playful company image. Would you like me to change directions a bit in some new looks? In my logos, I was going for a strong but simple corporate looking logo, to establish a feeling of a large company that is well established. Please let me know your feedback or suggestions.