Thank you for your quick response and I really appreciate your initial entries. I would currently rank the three logos in the order you submitted them. I like the idea of your shopping bag with a globe; I think it’s very creative. I also think the direction of the ring is better going from top right to lower left. Allow me to suggest several improvements on these logos that may better fit our needs.
1) The logo looked a little too rigid for our taste. I think it looked a bit too “professional services flavour”. I think you could go wild a bit more to spice it up. The shopping bag looked a bit too brief case while the font is also a bit up tight. We prefer it to be more vibrant and fun and I think it just need to be loosen up a bit. 2) In terms of colour, I like the blue but I am not a fan of the mustard yellow in #1. I like the dark orange better but I would still prefer another colour. Please consider using even brighter colours and maybe more colours. The logo can get more wild, fun, colourful, exciting. (Maybe I should have dragged the tab to adventure more) 3) I think the ring in #1 is nice and wonder if you have other variations? You certainly have the “Mall” word stands out which is exactly what we want. As much as I liked your “shopping bag globe”, I wonder if you could come up with more ideas like this that has both the globe and an element from a shopping mall.
I once again want to thank you for your entries and thankful that someone of your talents is part of our logo design.
Thank you for your 5 new entries, appreciate the hard work! I definitely like your new design better. I am not a fan of the purple-pink colour, so I think I will pass on those ones. I like entry #15 the best with your new improved ring with a more stylish shopping bag. I think the colour effects on the fonts and the blue is nice. However, I am 50-50 on the green. I think the brightness and sharpness is right, maybe a different warmer colour would work better?
I don’t know if this is too much to ask, but I like some of your more abstract icon such as the ones in Digital Advertising, Link Control, Dallas Green Streets and Pricing Guns world just to name a few. I think those are very creative and I wonder if you can come up with one of that kind to compare against the shopping bag? Also, most of your entries so far are pretty similar, could you give me another variation or a different direction? So far I really haven’t seen “The one” yet and I felt something is missing without knowing how to explain it. I can see your fascinating skill set and I really wish you could pull that off for me. As I said to another designer earlier, I am looking for a little bit more fun and stylish, some more excitement almost like a celebration! Hopefully, all that actually made sense to you. Feel free to drop me questions and I will answer it ASAP. One again I really appreciate your designs and hopefully I will see “The one” soon.
Thanks again for the new concepts and I like them #22-#25. As for the building I think it is a little too busy. I am not sure if it’s due to the large amount of windows or if it is due to too many of them. But you are definitely on the right track as I enjoy these abstract icons more than the fine and detail illustrations earlier. As I said on my last comment I am only lukewarm with green and would love to see some warm colour variations. You are the colour expert here so I will let you decide on the colour. I think the purple ring doesn’t work well with these buildings and I prefer not to have it. In conclusion I think the buildings need a little more work (needs to be simplified and perhaps even more abstract?) and try some warmer colours instead of the current cool colours and I can compare. Thanks again Kib647, I think we are getting there.
Thanks for the quick turnover. I can see you simplified the buildings as I requested and I thank you for that. However, I think I still like your older design better. I feel bad for asking for this extra work, just to rate it lower. Perhaps when there is absolutely no windows it took away from the building a little. I think green kind of works better than yellow and grey here as well. Perhaps you designers know better the entire time and I have been asking for the wrong colour. I am not sure what to suggest right now but I think looking at the rankings you have a pretty good idea of what my preferences now. There is only a small difference between the first place and your work but I like the little extra with the fonts and the icon being integrated into the name as well. I hope these comments helps. Asking me specific questions if you want, as I will answer to the best of my ability. Once again I thank you for your hard work, I really appreciate your help as usual.