Hi there #4 - wondering if you can somehow make the "ME" a little smaller and the words "Makin Excavation" a bit bigger? #5 - can you remove the little dividing line between the ME and the name? Thanks!
We are having trouble choosing between #172 and #4 as they could both easily be used depending on format (i.e. arm of digger or business card). If we choose one as the winning design would it be possible to get both images?
Also can we please see the black and white reversed on these? Black background, white writing?
Dear Makinson Congratulations on winning our contest! The logos sent for approval look great. Can we please also have: #4 (white background) #4 (black background) #4 greyscale #172 (black background) #172 greyscale Thank you very much - we are delighted with your designs. Doogie & Mrs Doogie