#19 : My first proposal. Hi, love to contribute here... minimalist graphic, powerful message ( i hope ). ln short, is friendly luxury style :) Kindly your feedback for improve more.
I like them, and they both reflect my brief very well incorporating the candle and sparklers. Im not sold on the font though - more options here? Perhaps not such a thick, chunky font and more elegant 'flame'?
thank you - looking good. Im concerned it may appear I am aligning myself with THE make a wish foundation. Can you offer some alternatives to the navy/blue backgrounds please - basically stay away from blue.
Thank you for all of your work - you can see why I want to align myself very differently to the foundation. I really like #44 & #46 - any chance of just one more with say a bright hot pink/fuschia background?
Its a bit bright but on the right track - something like RGB: 214,0,147. Maybe even white background with the text in that colour with some silver or gold thrown in.