The snakes look okay though I am not sure about the human figures - not sure the link is obvious! The pale figure on #9 would not show up well on a cream card background.
I actually quite like #s 17 and 18 with the snake tail becoming the staff - maybe if the head of the snake and the tail could raise more vertically, perhaps with a twist that would look great. If the tail of the snake could fade from blue to black as it becomes the staff, perhaps with just a couple of darker green leaves although without full on tree, and a bit more detail for the snake head (hood? texture?).
I'm liking the way the designs are coming on in #30/31/32/33. The staff is a bit too thick and plain however. The head of the snake also looks a bit too... stylised? Thank you.
I really like #50. I was just wondering if before making a final choice you could try a few different blue shades, or maybe a few border designs around the logo? Thanks.
I still prefer the design #50, but like the grey circle from #60. Could you combine the two? Except maybe try the circle just a bit larger (but still with fine lines) in dark grey or black? Thanks!
#67 is getting very close! In retrospect please could you change the head back to the snake in #50? I like the grey circle but could you make it just a little thinner? And if we could have a gap between the bottom of the staff and the circle like in #61? Sorry to be demanding! Nearly there!
#73 and #74 both look really good! Very impressed! Thank you. Just as a final idea, could you make the grey semi-circle just a little larger, so I can see what it looks like going up to/above the snake's head, rather than lower down?
Thank you so much! #81 is my winner. I don't know if we discuss this now or after selecting a winner, but if I could have #81 and #77, and also both of them in just black for a bit of extra money would you be interested? Not sure how this works. Thank you.
That will be great, i am fine with that. After selecting winner, we will have a handover page to finalize the contest, we can discuss anything there. thank you.