Color Preferences
We would like the primary color to be bright green #38ae49 or a similar alternative.
The primary use for the logo will be on our website, which will likely have a white (#ffffff) background/header.
Accent color options include black (#000000) or charcoal grey.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We would like a simple, clean, modern sans serif font. Display options for the text include:
maid up!
Maid UP!
One idea that we have for the exclamation mark ( ! ) is to make it a simple, stylized mop (such as the attached mop.svg).
Another possibility is to use a simple stylized mop or vacuum cleaner appear as the "d" in the word Maid (similar to the way the "b" is done in the attached bloom_logo).
We are open to other interpretations, as long as they are simple, clean and modern in appearance.