Hello! With this that you wrote: "Please don't feel "anchored" by the early comp I provided. It's one interesting starting point - but we're extremely interested in seeing other explorations.
Please also remember that we're most interested in marks that offer engaging characterizations of a Magpie that, per our brief, is clever, helpful and cheeky."
Do you want to say that you want another design of the magpie? I hope more directions to bring you the best design. Regards
The colors are okay, I'm not as interested in that. I would be fine with seeing all black logos, deciding on a design and then choosing colors from there so don't worry too much about that.
I would love to see other versions of the magpie if you have any. I'm not a fan of the one with it's wing raised or the one in the circle (#11), it looks like it's just tacked on to the side. I do like your use of white/color on the bird in #21 though (yet don't feel like you have to use the two tone). I just like that you tried something different that hasn't been done in other samples.
Also - for #24 you did a great job of making it "cheeky" but I think it's too much. This image needs to be condensed (made very small) and I don't think would look the best as a stand alone character.
I think I'm okay on the typography, that's also something we're not as worried about, more the image than anything. We wouldn't be opposed them though, either.
I really like the direction you're going with #33 and #34 but the large wing almost makes it look too much like a swan. I like that you're trying something different here, in design and with the look of the bird.
Thank you for working with me! I'm like #49, #50 in their over all image. Can you possibly take the images and show movement with the birds? I also like the different approach with the nest, but I think it only crowds the image instead of compliment it. #47 isn't quite as noticeable as a crow as 49-50.
Hello, here I bring my last designs: #151 #152 #155 #156 #157 #158 If you like some of my designs and want to make revisions in judging mode just tell me.