The suggestion I'd make is similar to the others: I love the tree, but it's not clear how to tie the idea of a tree into the idea of magic and light. Magic, or mage, and light are the root parts of my company name, so the logos that have a strong relationship between them is what's winning top place.
I think this is why I favor #21 over #20 -- the thicker circle of #21 makes me think more of lenses and magic process, whereas the thinner circle of #20 is more about the tree.
I do like the type and styling of the name. The "Photography" part seems a little floaty and unattached though.
Thanks for your hard work! I really appreciate it. :)
#38: The more I stare at this, the more I like it. I like the aspect that the iris is almost a cat-eye, almost a flame. The logo reads cleanly, and I don't mind that it's all shades of grey.
If you had the time to do it, I wouldn't mind seeing a variant of this with an even more feral shape to the eye. Feral or wild is good. Evil or menacing is not good.
Honestly, I think the flame-like aspect of #38 I like a bit more than the cat-like aspect of #41.
Hmm, what if we really went flame-like with the iris? Made it kind of curvey or swirly like a candle flame?
Also, what if we made it a tiny bit more feral by making the eye shape itself slightly more pointed on the right side? Maybe drag the outline out on the right like a cat's eye makeup pattern? I'm not sure if that would look too feminine though. I do like the masculine feel to the eye.