I dig the tree, I dig the mountain. The bit that looks like a lens strikes be as a bit too similar to Apple Aperture's logo for what I want. (both #10 and part of #7)
#11 I think the tree makes me think as much of magic, such as a crystal ball, as a lens. I like that. I also really like how it's rising from a crescent moon.
owh...really? thank you for the comment.. i just think for the entry #11, the crescent moon and the tree are looks like the land reflection from the lens... because i also like photography and i always seen the reflection from the lens looks like that ( the way i picture it on the logo ) even though the fact is the reflection was not that high distortioned. but if you have any request for the logo or another idea that you want to put on the logo just let me know... :)
#15: Awesome. I like the left-to-right balance. I like the little sparkle on the lens. I'm not totally sure the little sparkle over the letter "I" is working, it kind of calls attention to itself. I also like the changed color palette with more orange and less yellow.