Thanks for the entries. We really like the style in #12 but not as much as the open mag one in #27, since that one is more clear. Can you come up with some other designs like #12 but make it more clearly look like a magazine? Maybe if the pages flipped from the side somehow? The bottom flip in #23 kind of looks like a calendar. Thanks!
#32 is cool and I'm gonna put it 2nd overall. Can you make the magazine open from the left so the Z looks like the cover? Right now it looks like the back cover. I don't know how it will work but I'd like to see that if possible. Thank you.
The mag flip in #36 is fantastic and might be our top choice now but I'm leaving it at #2 for coloring. Can you please try some new color options? I don't think I like the een standing out so much.
How about the Z as is now, then the een in red, then the ery in grey...and then for the tagline: Where (grey) Zeeners (red) Go (grey).
Also maybe the whole Zeenery in red and the whole tagline in grey?
Anything else you can think of? I think I like the Z in white with red page so lets keep that and try other things.
Also how about trying without the talking caption thing? or without the shadow? I'm not sure if the shadow was added for the caption only.
I just wanted to add something. We are now pretty firm that the caption extension thing should be removed going forward so please include that update when you change the colors. It worked before the flip but now it would look better without it.
Also, can you try tilting the Z back a little on one of the new colors? Maybe with the bottom right corner touching the first e? Just for more style...who knows.
Nice! I just emailed you since I didn't see revisions today. Sorry about that.
I like #53 and #54 best. I probably should have been more clear. When I said colors I meant combinations of red and grey only but 53 and 54 look great.
Can you please try different Zs? I'd like to see how it looks with the Z in red font and the magazine pages in grey or maybe black (both would be cool). Then the tagline should be whatever color you use for the pages. Red and white might look best but I'd just like to try that different style...