The M icon illustrates a subtle hint of mountains, obstacles and connotes challenge and perseverance. I really can't express what's on my mind but the context of it is like every user is confident with the toughness, quality, durability of the brand whatever challenges or training (in military) they encounter.
#101 We now rank your entry #101 as our 1st place. We believe this is a great logo for military footwear. We like your handling of the letter "S" and the outer box.
Beside this, we wanted to see the effect of worn and faded looking on the logo (as in entry #63 and #10), because this would give people an instinctive impression of military product. Just wanted to see a new entry compared to #101.
BTW: #63 - The right side of the logo looks a little TOO worn--the right border seems to fade to me which we find visually irritating.
I don't think we'll use worn and fade look as our logo after comparing. Now we'd like you to think of making changes to #101 -
(1) the text and box color need to be darker, like entry #1 (2) the text looks a bit thin and thus weak to us (3) we are interested to see logo has distinctive "military" feeling in it. can you come up with a way of expression?