I love where you're going with 38, 39 and 40. About to re-rank with your # 40 first! Can you try using the tag lines Live Safe. Shop Secure. or Live. Shop. Thrive. or Home. Business. Growth. instead of Growing Local Business? I like the stylized reflected M in 38 & 39 and am wondering if you can work in the letters MRP where you currently have the M. It may be too busy, but I'd like to see it. These are terrific!! Please keep them coming. Jenna
Oh, and one more thing. If there is a way you can arrange the M on #40 to look like a community (a home, a business and an apt perhaps?) that might get our attention too. We have strip malls, walk up apts and single family homes in our district so a logo that incorporates those things is very attractive to us. Nice work!
Hi, We are really liking your #40. Can you please do us a version of that logo that includes the tag lines Live Safe. Shop Secure. or Live. Shop. Thrive. or Home. Business. Growth.
Also, could you do a version that makes the line under the stylized M (aka the two buildings or icon at the top of the logo) look more like a road. Maybe even the dashed line as in # 29 would work. Thanks very much! Jenna
Hello, your design #40 is the favorite of our committee. We are, however, having some trouble deciding what tag line to go with. Would you be willing to give me three versions, one with each of the following tag lines? Growing Local Business Live. Shop. Thrive Home. Business. Growth
If you can do that, I'm sure I can declare you the winner and get you paid! If you are agreeable, I'll also need each version in color and black and white in the vector file as well as JPG, TIF, PNG, and bitmap. A version with a transparent background would also be very helpful. I know that's a lot, but I think this is the fastest way to come to consensus for the group. Will that work for you? Jenna
Dear CH, thank you for the feedback. Sorry for the delay. I'm working on it now. And, please give me your email for sending the additional format. Thank you