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What We Do
We sell industrial machinery and materials nationwide. Our target audience are both large and small manufacturing companies.
Color Preferences
Being in the machinery business we want our colors in our logo to match the industry, so like a grey or probably more a steel or metallic color. With black being the secondary color. We understand these color choices can be dull sometimes and we want to avoid that and go for something a bit more dynamic in anyway we can. Maybe some coloration of the letters of the company name but are unsure about how we feel that would turn out. We are looking for a bold clean look and don't want to blur that with a conflicting color scheme.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We really like the idea behind the attached image of the gear, it obviously hits the nail on the head as far as industry theme goes. We are open to other creative takes on industrial equipment or materials designed in the logo. We really are exploring all creative ideas at this point to get a better feel for what we want the final product to be. Also we could do with either the logo incorporated or cut from the design, we aren't decided yet on which way we lean. We imagine that will also vary based on final design.