Increase the font size a little for the slogan "Medically Inspired Reading About Challenging Life Experiences."
Use a single color for MIRACLE and ONLINE BOOKS, LLC (but show me multiple-single-colors so I can select) too many colors makes the design look too busy. I want it to look fun, energized, but yet calming.
Increase the font size a little for the slogan "Medically Inspired Reading About Challenging Life Experiences."
Use a single color for MIRACLE and ONLINE BOOKS, LLC (but show me multiple-single-colors so I can select) too many colors makes the design look too busy. I want it to look fun, energized, but yet calming.
#138, Can we do the medical symbol black and/or some other color?
Increase the font size a little for the slogan "Medically Inspired Reading About Challenging Life Experiences."
Use a single color for MIRACLE and ONLINE BOOKS, LLC (but show me multiple-single-colors so I can select) too many colors makes the design look too busy. I want it to look fun, energized, but yet calming.
Increase the font size a little for the slogan "Medically Inspired Reading About Challenging Life Experiences."
Use a single color for MIRACLE and ONLINE BOOKS, LLC (but show me multiple-single-colors so I can select) too many colors makes the design look too busy. I want it to look fun, energized, but yet calming.
#138, Can we do the medical symbol black and/or some other color?
Increase the font size a little for the slogan "Medically Inspired Reading About Challenging Life Experiences."
Use a single color for MIRACLE and ONLINE BOOKS, LLC (but show me multiple-single-colors so I can select) too many colors makes the design look too busy. I want it to look fun, energized, but yet calming.
Thanks for your feedback... submitted the new revisions within 3 minutes before judging ... quite a rush :D #144 : MIRACLE in blue #145 : green #147 : purple
I should've show you version of the medical symbol in other color... also another version where the medical symbol is on the other position.. so the negative space of the books show the star clearly...but i wasnt able to submit since the contest already judging.
Appreciate your feedback. But only #1 ranked design is able to submit entries during judging mode. If you don't mind, you can move 1 of my entry to #1 so I can submit. Thanks!
#138, Sorry I didn't know the judging rule, thank you.
Let's see the medical symbol in a golden yellow and other colors too.
#138, Not making it too busy, can you mount a child on a few of the letters of MIRACLE. If possible, let it be a child displaying a medical situation. (example: standing on crutches, a bandge, a thermometer or even laying in a hospital bed); but not to busy. Also, diversify the race of the children.
#138, Let me see each design in both formats; side-by-side and stacked.
#138, I like all the colors as the are on this design; multi-colored MIRACLE and blue ONLINE BOOKSTORE, LLC.
I only want the medical symbol to stand out a bit more. Yellow was to bright, blue makes the design look to blue and black was to boring. Can you create a color for the symbol that will blend with the surrounding book colors, but yet stand out?
Increase the slogan font on this design, "Medically Inspired Reading About Challenging Life Experiences"
Hi... #150 : medical symbol in multiple colors to match the books color. Looking good :) For the MIRACLE... I mount a child with clutches on the letter "I" and a sleeping child on letter "L", the L as a bed. Hope you like my attempt. Anything you want to see, let me know again.. thanks!
The person as the "I' looks tall as an adult, can you make him/her shorter with a tiny gap between the head & shoulder (the head will serve as the dotted "i").
The character lying on the bed looks good, my only concern is appearing as if I am targeting any particular race (unless we assign a different race to each child). Otherwise, I may have to lose the children...which would be a strong clue to my viewers that these are books for children ages 3-17 years.
What color are the spaces between MIRACLE?
I thank you and I'm glad you showed up b4 the contest ended.
#152 #153 : version of shorter kid on clutches plus the gap between the head & sholder
#154 : I understand your concern about particular race. If we change the color of the kid image to fit the race color.. it would make the whole design seems odd... so I try to use hair color to symbolize the race ex : the kid on clutches with piggy tail in blonde color to present white. The kid on bed in black curly head to present black race. Hope it makes sense for you.
I use 30% of black color for the dot between the MIRACLE. Once again thanks for your consideration.
Lets just remove the kid from the bed entirely and remove the hair from the kid on crutches. Can you gently make the color of the crutches stand out a bit more?
#159 & 160, Everyone really like your design. Most feel that the medical symbol should stand out more?
1) Leave the dots in and make the medical symbol black. (#138 black may be too light, while #145 black may be too dark.....perhaps somewhere in between the two blacks).
2) Remove the dots entirely (leaving spaces) and make the medical symbol black.
Thank you for your patience. I just want to get it as perfect as possible.
Hey don't worry... it's great we can work together for a great logo :) I do agree, medical symbol should stand out... black is the color. #162 : dots in 70% of black #163 : without the dots
The dot & the medical symbol is actually in the same color... maybe the thumbnail is small so you can't really see it... but its actually the same color :)
The dots of #160 & #162 is actually in the same size. Dots in #160 looks smaller because I have shrink it to fit the thumbnail size.
#162 is my choice too! :) The symbol medical blends nicely with the rest and it stands out in the symbol. The symbol in black creates a flow with the rest of the symbol elements. Audiences can recognize easily that the symbol is medical related logo.
Thank you for your feedback! I also thank you for providing me with both vertical and horizonal formats of the design.
Are we able to stay in contact with each other when the contest is over. I will need another logo in the near future for my Kids With Intestinal Disorders Foundation and would like to you to be a participant. If so, my email is .
Again, thank you for your wonderful design and your great patience!
Hi.. Both version will be provided vertical & horizontal. Thanks for the incoming job, I will write to you soon. Here's the version of the medical symbol & dots in the same color (black) vertical : #165 horizontal : #166