We love the simplicity of #59. Can you show us a version that stacks the Properties Group so it is not as horizontal. There may be occasions that require a "tighter" logo
Also - how would that one look on a black or gray background?
What would you do with #90 if we dropped the PROPERTIES GROUP, just letting M+H stand on it's own?
Or proportionally change the size of the M+H and PROPERTIES GROUP so the M+H is not lost. When we sampled it on letterhead and business card design, it looked like the Company was called PROPERTIES GROUP.
Congrats - we loved your idea as soon as we saw it. And your willingness to respond quickly to our requests to see variations - it was a big part of our final decision. We had to know it works in all the ways we wanted to use it.
We would appreciate if you could send us the source files for the versions on the coloured background as well. We will have to write a Style Guide to be sure this logo is used consistently across a variety of applications.
Thanks a lots to selected mine as the winner. Many appreciated :) Final files will be upload with white background, same as logo which are won. If you need another version/background, or other project feel free to contact me by email to : beloempoenjanama@lycos.com